Minggu, 18 April 2010


We have deliberately avoiding defining “marketing” until now, to allow you to develop some tentative definitions of your own.
From the historical discussion, for example, you may have based your definition upon the exchange of surplus commodities. This certainly would have been appropriate for past times.
Or your tentative definition may have stressed the exchange of goods by a family or a business, and the exchange of those goods for other goods they were less able to produce for themselves.
A more modern definition, in tune with greatly expanded productive capacity, might emphasize the adaption of production facilities to the market. Specifically, marketing might be defined as the response of businessmen to consumer demands through adjustments in production capabilities. Adjusting production capabilities would refer to the coordination of production, accounting, finance, and marketing in the light of changing needs of consumers whoare affluent enough to have varied buying choices.
Or, recognizing the growing interest in consumerism and the performance of our marketing system, you might have developed a definition which emphasized macro marketing concern, such as: Marketing is concerned with designing an efficient (in terms of use of resources) and fair (in terms of distribution of output to all parties involved) systems which will direct an economy’s flow of goods and services from producers to consumer and accomplish the objectives of the society.
Marketing begins with the customers … determines … what product … what prices … where and how sold. That satisfies some customers in order to earn the right to operate in our markeing system.

• In our economy of abudance, businessmen must cater to their customers. They cannot smply wait until customers “beat a path” to their doors, because most of us can get along quite well without the product offered by any particular manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer. We need clothing manufacturer’s product. The same is true of food, house furnishings, automobiles sports equipment, and most other consumer goods. Likewise, manufacturers usually have several sources of supply for the components incorporated into their product.

• An equally important reason for a college student to study marketing is the availability of many interesting and rewarding jobs in this area. Even more important, marketing offers opportunities for rapid growth and advancement. A careful study of marketing will give the student a better idea about business and where the best opprtinities lie for a career.

tugas bahasa inggris

A. Define problem
Defining the problem is perhaps the most difficult step, because it involves careful analysis of a situation in order it state the problem and determine.

B. Defining expectation
Defining the expectation is involves stating the result that is expected once the problem has been solved. The expected result after solving the problem of low production described would be to increase the output of the factory.

C. Gather data
gather data can be obtained from a variety of sources; observation, surveys, or published research.

D. Develop alternatives
Develop alternatives might include; 1. Replacing the current supervisor, 2. Providing to schedule the work shift more efficiently, 3. Creating incentives for worker, such as higher pay or time off, in order to increase production.

E. Evaluate alternatives
We have three evaluates these alternatives in terms of the expected result of the solution (which is to increase production) and limitations, such as time and money. Alternative i, replacing the current supervisor, does not guarantee increased production, and it would involve training for the current supervisor, would be time consuming and somewhat expensive but should bring about increased production. Alternative three, creating worker incentives, may bring about increased production but would be quite expensive.

F. Choose best alternative
Choose best alternative to get the one who the best potential for example the decision-maker decides to try providing the current supervisior with additional training because this alternative should achieve the objective with the lowest expenditure of time and money.

tugas bahasa ingris

A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two or more sentences joined into one using a coordinate conjunction, such as and, or, but, yet, so, for.

And is a conjunctive nature add.
Example : dholpins are friendly animals, and they are also intelligent.

Or is stating conjunctive selection ( alternation ).
Example : are you going to the party, or will you stay home?

• But
But is stating conjunctive comparison or difference.
Example : her cousin moved away, but she stayed in town

• Yet
Example : Michelle is a vegetarian, yet she eats chiken.

So is stating conjunctive to declare result
Example : The books were cheap, so I bought all of them

For is stating conjunctive to declare the cause of a thing.
Example : The student failed, for he was very ill this year